
  • あたかも【恰も】
    • 1like; as if...; उस्तो / उस्तै ; जस्तो / जस्तै ; मानौं ;
      • It sounded just like thunder. मानौं, त्यो बज्रजस्तो आवाज थियो ।
      • It will be wiped out rather quickly, as if in one day.” मानौं, “एकै दिनमा” त्यसको विनाश हुनेछ ।
      • It seems as if the entire town were a university. सम्पूर्ण सहर नै विश्वविद्यालय जस्तै रहेछ ।
      • It felt as if we were about to jump into a pool at the deep end for the first time. गहिरो पोखरीमा पहिलो पटक पौडी खेल्न लागिरहेको जस्तो लाग्यो ।
    • 2just; ठिक / ठीक ; ठ्याक्क ;
      • That is exactly what I want to say. मैले भन्न खोजिरहेको कुरै त्यही हो ।