
  • せいこう【成功】
    • 1a success; an achievement; सफलता ; उपलब्धि ; फत्ते (/ फत्य) ;a big (/ great) success (/ achievement); फत्ते ; लछारपाटो ; ठूलो सफलता ;
      • lead ~ to a success; लाई सफलतातर्फ लैजानु
      • successfully; सफल भई ; सफलतापूर्वक
      • ⇒しっぱい(失敗)
      • brag about his own achievements and look down at others; आफ्ना उपलब्धिहरूको धाक दिंदै अरूलाई होच्याउनु
      • He was elated (/ puffed up) by his success. ऊ सफलताले फुलेको थियो । ; सफलताले उसको पाइला चुमेको थियो ।
      • You cannot measure a man's success by his wealth.; Wealth is no criterion of a man's success. कति धन छ त्यसको आधारमा सफलता नाप्नु हुँदैन ।
      • Who is actually to be called successful? सफल व्यक्ति वास्तवमा कसलाई भन्ने ?
      • I attribute my success to hard work. म आफ्नो सफलताको श्रेय कठोर परिश्रमलाई दिन्छु ।
      • succeed in~; be successful in~; छिचोल्नु ; सफल (/ उत्तीर्ण / सम्पन्न) हुनु (/ गर्नु) ; चल्नु ;
        • lead a successful life; सफल जीवन बिताउनु
        • All conventions were a great success. हरेक अधिवेशन सम्पन्न भयो ।
        • If my plan works, we shall be rich. मेरो योजना सफल भयो भने, हामी धनी हुनेछौं ।
        • Whether the money will be back of not depends on the commercial success. पैसा फिर्ता आउने–नआउने कुरा व्यापार चल्ने–नचल्ने कुरामा पो भर पर्दो रहेछ ।
        • I worked day and night to buid up my business. व्यापारमा सफल हुन म दिनरात खटिन्थें ।
    • 2a success; a propser; प्रगति ; सफलता ; फुर्तीफार्ती ;
      • His hopes of success crumbled. सफल हुने उसको आशा चकनाचूर भयो ।
      • I was envious (/ jealous) of his success. म उसको सफलताको डाह (/ ईर्ष्या) गर्थेँ । ; म उसको सफलतामा डाही (/ ईर्ष्यालु) भएँ ।
      • Seeing the neighbors success has filled him with grudge (/ bitterness). छिमेकीको समृद्धि (/ प्रगति / फुर्तीफार्ती) देखेर उसको मनमा ईर्ष्या (/ डाढ / द्वेष) जाग्यो ।
      • He took an oath to light countless candles at Pashupati if his work went successful. उसले काम सिद्ध भएमा पशुपतिमा लाख बत्ती बाल्ने भाकल (/ कबुल) गऱ्यो ।
    • 【合成語ならびに慣用表現】
    • 成功者
      • a success; a prosperous (/ rich / fortunate) person; सम्पन्न व्यक्ति ; भाले ;